NMA Information
* Monument Name : * State : Jharkhand
Taluka : District :
* Locality : * Distance from Monument(Mtr.) :
* Distance from Protected boundery Wall of Monument(Mtr.) : * Maximum height of Existing Builindg to Monument Vicinity(Mtr.) :
Activity of Existing Building : * Monument in Limit of :
* Master Plan Apprvoed : YES.    NO * Status of Construction of Modern Building :
* Open Space or Parking area Clsoe to Monument : * Road details between Monument and Building :
* Number Of Storeys : * Basement Details :
* Approximate Duration Of Commencement Of Works : * Approximate Date Of Commencement Of Works : click
* Height In Metres Including Mumty Parapet Water Storage Tank : * HeightIn Metres Excluding Mumty Parapet Water Storage Tank :
* Remark :
Document Attachmentment  
 * Signature Documents
* Elevation Documents
* Section Dcouments
* Modern Constrution Images
* Google Earth Images