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Detail Scrutiny Report

Mango Municipal Corporation

Version Number: 1.0.66  
Version Date: 16/10/2020 
Report Generated On: 07-08-2023 
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General Details
Application TypeGeneral Proposal
Project TypeBuilding Permission
Nature of DevelopmentNew
Location of Development AreaOld Area
City Area/TPScheme NoNA
Architect Details
Architect NameEJAZ AHMAD
License No.MNAC/DFTMN/0008/2020
Architect EmailIDssconsultant890@gmail.com
Architect Mobile No7277064611
Plot Details
Plot Use Residential
Plot SubUse Bungalow/ Dwelling / Non Apartment
PlotNearbyReligiousStructure NA
Plot/SubPlot No376
North -
South -
East -
West -
Owner's Details
Email IDssconsultant890@gmail.com
Mobile No9431965793
[-] Plot Details (Table 2)

[-] Area From Document (Table 2a)
No. Form Area
1 Deed(Sale Deed, Gift Deed and Lease Deed) or Agreement 178.83
2 Plot area as per Document by Applicant 178.83
3 Area as per Site Visit (Site Visit Report) 178.83
4Area as per Drawing 178.83

Area of Plot Considered : 178.83

[-] Table 2b
Proposal Detail :
Development Detail :
Plot OccupancyResidential
Plot SubUse Bungalow/ Dwelling / Non Apartment
Building StructureNon-Highrise
Building TypeSingle Detached House
Gross Plot Area 178.83
Net Plot Area (Gross Plot Area - Deduction from Gross Plot area) 178.83
Balance Plot Area (Net Plot Area - Recreational/Amenity space) 148.74
Deductions for Balance Plot Area (from Gross Plot Area)
- Common Plot 30.09
Balance Plot Area 148.74

[-] Table 2c
Permissible Coverage area ( 60.00 % ) 107.30
Proposed Coverage Area ( 59.19 % ) 105.85
Total Prop. Coverage Area ( 59.19 % ) 105.85
Balance coverage area ( 0.81 % ) 1.45
Perm. FAR Area ( 2.500 ) 447.08
Total Perm. FAR area 447.08
Residential FAR 307.85
Proposed FAR Area 320.02
Total Proposed FAR Area 320.02
Consumed FAR (Factor) 1.79
Balance FAR Area 127.06
Total Proposed BuiltUp Area 423.40

[-] Site Visit Data Report
Details Values as per Site Visit Values as per Drawing
Lenght of Road Up to 50 meter -
Existing Road Width 6.25 6.25
Proposed Road Width as per Master Plan 6.25 -
Road Widening Width 0 -
Plot size (as per measurement) 178.83 178.83
[-] Extra Land Area Checks
Name Area Status
Reqd Prop
Extra Land - 0.00 OK

[-] Plot Level Checking (Table 3)
[-] Common Plot Checks (Table 3b)
Name Total Area Status
Reqd Prop
Common Plot 8.94 30.09 OK

[-] Common Plot Checks (Table 3b)
Name Minimum Area Coverage Area Width Angle Access Status
Reqd Prop Perm Prop Reqd Prop Reqd Prop
Tree Cover (Plantation) - 30.09 0.00 0.00 - 1.99 - 90.00 5.20 METER WIDE ROAD OK

[-] Tree Details (Table 3g)
Name Nos Of Trees Status
Reqd Prop
Tree 2 4 OK

[-] Building Details (Table 4)
[-] Building USE/SUBUSE Details Building USE/SUBUSE Details
Building Name Building Use Building SubUse Building Structure
A (RESIDENTIAL) Residential Bungalow/ Dwelling / Non Apartment Non-Highrise
[-] Height Details (4a)

[-] Total Height (Table 4a-1)
Building Height Height (From GL) Height (From Street LVL) Status
Perm Prop
A (RESIDENTIAL) 12.38 12.00 12.00 12.00 OK

[-] Floor Height Check (Table 4a-2)
Building Name Floor Name Height Clear Height Beam Clear Height Status
Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop
A (RESIDENTIAL) Third Floor 2.75 - 3.00 2.75 - 2.89 2.40 - 2.55 OK
Second Floor 2.75 - 3.00 2.75 - 2.89 2.40 - 2.55 OK
First Floor 2.75 - 3.00 2.75 - 2.89 2.40 - 2.55 OK
Ground Floor 2.75 - 3.00 2.75 - 2.89 2.40 - 2.55 OK
Plinth 0.45 - 0.45 - - 0.45 - - 0.45 OK

[-] Parapet Height Check (Table 4a-2.1)
Building Name Floor Name Height Clear Height Beam Clear Height Status
Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop
A (RESIDENTIAL) Terrace Floor - - 1.00 - - 1.00 - - 1.00 OK
[-] Floor Number Check (Table 4a-4)
Building Name No. of Floors No. of Tenements Status
Perm Prop Perm Prop
A (RESIDENTIAL) G + 4 4 - 3 OK

    [-] Coverage Check (Table 4b)
Permissible Proposed Status
107.30 105.85 OK
60% 59.19%

[-] Individual Coverage Check
Coverage Area Perm. Prop.
  A-1 (RESIDENTIAL) - 105.85
  Total Prop. Coverage Area - 105.85
  Total Coverage Area 107.30 105.85

[-] FAR & Tenement Details (Table 4c-1)
Building No. of Same Bldg Total Built Up Area (Sq.mt.) Deductions (Area in Sq.mt.) Proposed FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Add Area In FAR (Sq.mt.) Total FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Total Consumed Additional FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Tnmt (No.)
Lift Parking Resi. Stair
A (RESIDENTIAL) 1 423.40 9.69 93.68 307.86 8.94 320.03 320.03 03
Grand Total : 1 423.40 9.69 93.68 307.86 8.94 320.03 320.03 03

[-] Buildingwise Floor FAR Details
Floor Name Building Name Total
Proposed Built Up Area (Sq.mt.) Proposed FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Total Proposed Built Up Area (Sq.mt.) Total FAR Area (Sq.mt.)
Ground Floor 105.85 12.17 105.85 12.17
First Floor 105.85 102.62 105.85 102.62
Second Floor 105.85 102.62 105.85 102.62
Third Floor 105.85 102.62 105.85 102.62
Terrace Floor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total : 423.40 320.03 423.40 320.03

[-] UnitBUA Table for Building :A (RESIDENTIAL)
FLOOR Name UnitBUA Type UnitBUA Area Carpet Area No. of Rooms No. of Tenement
TYPICAL - 1- 3 FLOOR PLAN SPLIT A FLAT 80.08 77.48 8 3
Total: - - 240.25 232.44 24 3

[-] Building :A (RESIDENTIAL)
Floor Name Total Built Up Area (Sq.mt.) Deductions (Area in Sq.mt.) Proposed FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Add Area In FAR (Sq.mt.) Total FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Total Consumed Additional FAR Area (Sq.mt.) Tnmt (No.)
Lift Parking Resi. Stair
Ground Floor 105.85 0.00 93.68 0.00 8.94 12.17 12.17 00
First Floor 105.85 3.23 0.00 102.62 0.00 102.62 102.62 01
Second Floor 105.85 3.23 0.00 102.62 0.00 102.62 102.62 01
Third Floor 105.85 3.23 0.00 102.62 0.00 102.62 102.62 01
Terrace Floor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00
Total : 423.40 9.69 93.68 307.86 8.94 320.03 320.03 03
Total Number of Same Buildings : 1
Total : 423.40 9.69 93.68 307.86 8.94 320.03 320.03 03
[-] Table 4c-2

  FAR Area
Building FAR Area:320.02
Existing FAR Area :0.00

[-] Margin Checks (Table 5)
[-] Plot Margin (Table 5a)
Building / Wing Road Name Front Side Rear Side Side1 Side2 Status
Reqd. Prop. Reqd. Prop. Reqd. Prop. Reqd. Prop.
A-1 (RESIDENTIAL) 6.25 METER WIDE ROAD 3.00 3.00 1.80 1.80 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.91 OK

[-] Inner Building Details (Table 6)
[-] Lift Details (Table 6d)
Building Name Height Number Of Lift(s) Number Of Strature Lift(s) Capacity Of Lift(s) Passanger Status
Prop Reqd Prop Reqd Prop Reqd Prop
A (RESIDENTIAL) 12.00 - 1 - 0 - 6 OK

[-] Lift Check Table

[-] For Building :A (RESIDENTIAL)
Floor Name Lift Name Width Depth Status
Reqd Prop Reqd Prop
GROUND FLOOR PLAN Lift 1.70 1.70 1.90 1.90 OK
TYPICAL - 1- 3 FLOOR PLAN Lift 1.70 1.70 1.90 1.90 OK
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN Lift Machine Room 1.70 1.70 1.90 1.90 OK


[-] Parking Details (Table 7)
[-] Required Parking(Table 7a)
Building Name Type SubUse Area (Sq.mt.) Units Car Visitors Car TwoWheeler
Reqd. Prop. Reqd./Unit Reqd. Prop. Reqd./Unit Reqd. Prop. Reqd./Unit Reqd. Prop.
A (RESIDENTIAL) Residential Bungalow/ Dwelling / Non Apartment > 0 1 3.00 1.00 3 - - - - - - -
> 0 1 3.00 - - - 1 1 - - - -
Total : - - - - 3 3 - 1 1 - 0 3

[-] Parking Check (Table 7b)
Vehicle Type Reqd. Prop. Status
No. Area No. Area
Car - - 3 37.50 OK
Total Car 3 37.50 3 37.50 OK
Visitor's Car Parking - - 1 12.50 OK
Total Visitor Parking 1 12.50 1 12.50 OK
TwoWheeler - - 3 6.00 OK
Total TwoWheeler - - 3 6.00 OK
Other Parking - - - 56.18 OK
Total 50.00 118.18 OK

Individual Parking Checks (Table 7c)
Dimensions and Area for all Vehicle(s) are as per the Rules


[-] Exemption Details (Table 8)

Not Required to Check StairCase Number Rule.

[-] Staircase Checks (Table 8a-1)

[-] For Building :A (RESIDENTIAL)
Floor Name StairCase Name Flight Width Tread Width Riser Height Riser No. On Flight Cabin Ht. Status
Reqd Prop Reqd Prop Perm Prop Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop
GROUND FLOOR PLAN Staircase -4FL 0.900 1.000 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.075 - 6 - - 0.000 OK
TYPICAL - 1- 3 FLOOR PLAN Staircase -4FL 0.900 1.000 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.075 - 6 - - 0.000 OK
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN Staircase -4FL - 1.000 - 0.250 - 0.000 - 0 - - 2.885 OK

[-] Accessory Use Check (Table 8d)
Accessory Use Name Area Width Depth Height Status
Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop Reqd Perm Prop
RWH - - 0.27 - - 0.59 - - 0.59 - - 0.00 OK
SHS - - 0.27 - - 0.59 - - 0.59 - - 0.00 OK

[-] Accessory Use No. Checks
Building Name Accessory Use Name No Status
Reqd Perm Prop
A (RESIDENTIAL) Rain Water Harvesting 1 - 1 OK

[-] Floor Details (Table 9)

[-] Building:A (RESIDENTIAL)


No Room Found.

[-] Floor:TYPICAL - 1- 3 FLOOR PLAN

All Dimensions and Area of all the Rooms on this Floor are as per the Rules.


[-] Summary (Table 10)
Name Perm./Reqd. Proposed Status
  Plot Area - 178.83 OK
  Plot Width - 10.67 OK
  Plot Depth - 16.76 OK
  Access Width - 6.25 OK
  Plot Frontage - 10.67 OK
  Coverage Area 107.30 105.85 OK
  FAR Area
Bldg. FAR Area : 320.02
Sanctioned FAR Area :0.00
447.08 320.02 OK

[-] Rules
Topic Rule
Plot Level
Plot Area No rule provided for Min. Plot size for proposed Use or Multistoried Building {Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
Plot Width No rule provided for Min. Plot size for proposed Use or Multistoried Building {Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
Plot Depth No rule provided for Min. Plot size for proposed Use or Multistoried Building {Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
Access Width The minimum width of abutting road for any Building shall be with respect to Length of Road {As per Rule No. 34 Table No.6}
Plot Frontage No rule provided for Min. Plot size for proposed Use or Multistoried Building {Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
FAR Area (1) In Old Area, for Residential Building on abutting roadwidth 6.10 (20 ft.) to 7.5 mt., the Floor Area Ratio-FAR shall be 2.5 {As per Rule No.39, Table 15 and modified as per Notification from Govt. of Jharkhand 3141 dated 15/05/2017}
(2) For MANGO NAC, Max. 2.5 permissible FAR may be permitted for Residential Use {As per Annexure III}
Consumed FAR (1) In Old Area, for Residential Building on abutting roadwidth 6.10 (20 ft.) to 7.5 mt., the Floor Area Ratio-FAR shall be 2.5 {As per Rule No.39, Table 15 and modified as per Notification from Govt. of Jharkhand 3141 dated 15/05/2017}
(2) For MANGO NAC, Max. 2.5 permissible FAR may be permitted for Residential Use {As per Annexure III}
Common Plot Area In every building area, at least 5% of the land shall be covered by plantation (tree cover). {As per Rule No.33}
Common Plot (1) In every building area, at least 5% of the land shall be covered by plantation (tree cover). {As per Rule No.33}
(2) ;
Tree Number 2-4 Trees shall be required for the Plot area upto 250.0 sq.mt. (As per Rule No. 20.1.6)
Margin Rule For Non-highrise Residential Building 10-13.3 mt. Ht. having Plot Depth 15-21 mt. and Plot width 10-15 mt., Margin required in Front shall be 3.0 mt., Rear 1.8 mt. and 0.9 mt. shall be provided on both side. {As per Rule No. 36 (Table 8 & 9)}
Building Level
Building Height For old area, on Road width 6.10-7.50 mt., Permissible height shall in no case exceed(1.5 times the width oftheroadonwhichtheplot abuts) + Road widening + the front setback or 16.4 mt. {As per Rule No. 39.1 Table 15}
Floor Height (1) The height of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75 m measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling (bottom of slab){As per Rule No.42.2.1}
(2) The height of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75 m measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling (bottom of slab){As per Rule No.42.2.1}
(3) The plinth or any part of a building shall be so located with respect to the surrounding ground level that adequate drainage of the site is assured. The height of the plinth (except in case of stilted parking) shall be not less than 0.45 mt. from the surrounding ground level {As per Rule No. 42.10}
Parapet Height (1) Parapet of suitable height may be constructed to hide installation like water tank and for other such purpose {As per Rule No. 42.5 and Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
(2) Parapet of suitable height may be constructed to hide installation like water tank and for other such purpose {As per Rule No. 42.5 and Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
(3) Parapet of suitable height may be constructed to hide installation like water tank and for other such purpose {As per Rule No. 42.5 and Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021}
Floor Number For old area location,on Road width 6.1-7.5 mt. only G+4 floors shall be allowed {As per Rule No. 39.1 Table 15}
Lift Count (1) The lift shall have a minimum width 1.7 mt. and minimum depth 1.9 mt.{As per clause no 4 and page no. 14 NBC }
(2) For Residential Building height upto 15.0 mt or upto G+4 floors, No Lift is reqd. {As per Amended 06-06-2019 Rule No. 49.1.1}
Lift (1) The area of lift well at one floor only (not the sum of total area of lift well at every floor) shall be counted for F.A.R calculation)
(2) The lift shall have a minimum width 1.7 mt. and minimum depth 1.9 mt.{As per clause no 4 and page no. 14 NBC }
(3) The area of lift well shall not be counted for F.A.R calculation)
(4) The lift shall have a minimum width 1.7 mt. and minimum depth 1.9 mt.{As per clause no 4 and page no. 14 NBC }
(5) -
StairCase (1) Width of Winding staircase shall be mini. 0.90 mt.,Maximum rise 0.20 mt. & Minimum tread 0.25 mt. & Cabin Height 2.1 mt. {As per Rule No. 83.18}
(2) ; No Rule Defined
(3) No Rule Defined
(4) ; No Rule Defined
Plot / Building Level
Accessory Use (1) The dimension of recharging pits/trenches shall be at least 6 cubic meters for every 100 Sq. m. of roof area
(2) No need to check distance from Building RWH
(3) -
(4) No need to check distance from Building SHS
Accessory Use Number Provision of Rain Water Harvesting shall be mandatory for any use {Updated as per JBBL, Amendment VIII dated 16/03/2021} Rain Water Harvesting
Building Level (Rooms)